We have many talented artists at WBE ranging in skills from beginners to accomplished professionals. We are very fortunate to have some accomplished artists as neighbours who want to help others improve their skills! One such neighbour is Wayne Chunat. To get an idea of what Wayne paints, take a few relaxing moments to view his work here.Artist Spotlight features Wayne Chunat
hereExplore Acrylics This is an informative and hands-on series with Artist/Naturalist Wayne Chunat as we explore the versatility of acrylic media.
When: Tuesdays
Where: South Clubhouse, Woodbrook Estates
Time: 1pm–3pm
Class size: Minimum 5 Maximum 10
Sign up and take with sheets are posted in North Club House bulletin board
Contribution: $10/session
contact Wayne Chunat
Watercolour Painting Group (Winter season only)
(9 February 2022 - 30 March 2022)
6TH Annual Woodbrook Art & Craft Show - Preparations are currently underway.
Date: Sunday March 22, 2020
Time: 1 pm - 4 pm - North CC
Interested Exhibitors are asked to contact the convenor.
Jenny Shimono (337-4819)
The Woodbrook Art Commmunity invites you to visit the Virtual Art gallery on this website, listed under PHOTO GALLERIES
Gallery opening: 11 August 2020
1st Update: 18 October 2020
Special Winter/Holiday Edition: December 2020
2nd Update: February 2021
Holiday Greetings: December 2021
Gallery Manager: Jenny Shimono